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  Regular-General Government   # 22.       
Board of Supervisors Financial Services  
Meeting Date: 01/28/2020  
Brief Title:    2020-21 Budget Principles and Preliminary Assessment
From: Chad Rinde, Chief Financial Officer, Department of Financial Services
Staff Contact: Mubeen Qader, Chief Budget Official, Department of Financial Services, x8217
Supervisorial District Impact:


Receive preliminary assessment of the 2020-21 budget and approve the 2020-21 Budget Principles and Budget Development Calendar. (No general fund impact) (Rinde/Qader)

Recommended Action
  1. Receive a preliminary assessment of the 2020-21 budget; and
  2. Approve the 2020-21 Budget Principles and Budget Development Calendar.
Strategic Plan Goal(s)
Operational Excellence
Reason for Recommended Action/Background
2020-21 Preliminary Forecast and Budget Assessment
For fiscal year 2020-21 the County is expected to see modest growth in general purpose revenues, however, overall economic growth remains sluggish, and the risk of a near-term recession or market disruption has increased.  Increases in annual CalPERS and OPEB contributions, coupled with negotiated salary increases and additional positions required to staff the jail expansion, will likely consume growth in discretionary revenues.  Departments will be asked to continue looking at cost saving strategies and expenditure reductions may be needed to maintain a balanced budget.
Staff recommends that the following items be considered in order to guide the 2020-21 budget process:
State Budget Impacts: The Governor’s 2020-21 State Budget proposal is based on the assumption of continuing economic growth in the state economy. The proposal includes one-time funding opportunities in housing and services for homeless, enhanced funding in correctional and probation programs, public defender, mental health and agricultural initiatives. The County’s 2020-21 budget should take advantage of these funding opportunities, but also maintain focus on stabilizing core County operations, such as those dependent on realignment funding, where costs are outpacing revenue growth. The County continues to mitigate the impacts of the unwinding of the Coordinated Care Initiative and restructuring of the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) maintenance of effort. 
Pension:  The most recent CalPERS actuarial valuation report as of June 30, 2018 reflects an aggregate unfunded liability for Yolo County miscellaneous and safety plans of approximately $355 million, an increase of nearly 12% over the prior year. Pension rates in fiscal year 2020-21 are increasing from 30.4% to 32.2% for miscellaneous employees and from 40.1% to 43.7% for Public Safety employees.
OPEB: The funded status of Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) continues to improve due to implementation of the OPEB benefit caps and continued pre-funding of the OPEB liability. As of the June 30, 2018 valuation report, the funded ratio was 14%. In fiscal year 2020-21, the OPEB rate charged to County departments increases from 8.5% to 8.8%, which reflects the full actuarially determined contribution (ADC) consistent with the revised OPEB funding policy.
Labor Costs:  Increases in required CalPERS employer contribution rates, OPEB rate increase, and negotiated cost of living adjustments are projected to increase labor costs by approximately $7 million. There may be further increases in costs resulting from IHSS wage negotiations and increased staffing needs due to Monroe jail expansion, which may be an additional $2 million.
General Reserve: Over the past several years, the Board has shown fiscal prudence by steadily increasing the General Reserve.  The county policy on Fund Balance and Reserves establishes a target reserve level of 10% of General Fund expenditures.  The County has chosen to include the Public Safety Fund along with the General Fund to accurately assess financial risk. At the end of fiscal year 2019-20 the General Reserve level is projected to be $14 million which is 6.5%. Additional contributions to the General Reserve are advisable to further mitigate risk in light of a worsening economic outlook, and to continue making progress in achieving the policy target. 
Budget Principles:  Staff recommends approval of the 2020-21 Budget Principles, as reflected in Attachment A.  The Budget Principles serve to highlight some of the best practices that underline budget development each year, and to guide budget planning for the upcoming year.  A few of the notable provisions in the Principles include:
  • The budget shall be developed in accordance with key best practices and principles as established in County financial policies; 
  • The County should take advantage of one-time funding opportunities in the State Budget but continue to stabilize core County operations. 
  • Departments shall endeavor to purchase the most environmentally sustainable option when replacing or purchasing new vehicles, starting with electric, then electric-hybrid, hybrid and finally combustion.  Hybrid or combustion vehicles will only be considered if there is a compelling business reason. 
  • Priority shall be given to new funding requests that support the Board’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan Goals and priority focus areas, or use technology to provide online access to County services and reduce workload. 
Budget Calendar: The proposed 2020-21 budget process calendar is provided as Attachment B. Key dates for the Board’s consideration are as follows:
Jan. 31                       Budget instructions & Budget System open for departments
Mar. 09 & 10              Board Budget Workshop
Apr. 21                       Budget development status update to Board
May 29                       2020-21 Recommended Budget document released
Jun. 09                        Board budget hearing & approval of Recommended Budget
Budget System:  The County implemented budgeting software SHERPA in 2019 in time for preparing the fiscal year 2019-20 budget. Staff successfully used the system last year and it will be open for the county department fiscal staff to enter their budgets on January 31, 2020. Currently, staff are in the process of implementing the budget document automation software Patternstream, which complements the SHERPA system, for the fiscal year 2020-21 budget document.
Interim Budget Preparation Guidance:  Budget instructions will be provided to departments on January 31, which will include information to assist departments in developing their budget requests for fiscal year 2020-21. Staff will continue to work with the Budget Ad-Hoc Subcommittee throughout the budget development process to provide interim policy guidance on proposed budget balancing strategies. In addition, a budget development update will be provided to the full Board on April 29 to allow for review and feedback on proposed strategies prior to finalizing the 2020-21 Recommended Budget.
Collaborations (including Board advisory groups and external partner agencies)

Budget staff in the Department of Financial Services worked with the County Administrator's Office and the Board Chair/Vice Chair to develop the 2020-21 Budget Principles and Budget Development Calendar.

Fiscal Impact
No Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact (Expenditure)
Total cost of recommended action:    $  
Amount budgeted for expenditure:    $  
Additional expenditure authority needed:    $  
On-going commitment (annual cost):    $  
Source of Funds for this Expenditure
Att. A. Budget Principles
Att. B. Budget Development Timeline
Att. C. Presentation

Form Review
Form Started By: mqader Started On: 01/03/2020 11:53 AM
Final Approval Date: 01/21/2020


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